My Favourite Things!
What a very strange, difficult and worrying time this is for all of us. At the moment I am carrying on as normal, filming my TV show once a week, keeping our website up to date and I will also be helping some of my more elderly neighbours with shopping and other things.
I realise there will be a lot of people stuck at home for far more time than they are used to or want which will be very hard. During hard times I often find myself humming My Favourite Things from The Sound of Music musical so I thought, this week, I would put together a list of my favourite sewing things – they might be a place to go for free patterns, online shops who will deliver sewing goodies direct to your door or somewhere to read or watch videos all about sewing.
John Scott’s Sewing World
Well, of course I start with the best! There are video interviews with designers with new ones being posted weekly, plus you can view all my old shows and facebook lives and read my blogs. And not forgetting my unmissable new show on Crafters TV every Tuesday morning with fabulous guests and products… did you manage to get my mug? One thing I love about my new show is all the freebies we can offer you. This week, for instance, you can download the patterns do Katy Jones' Folded Star and Lewis and Irene's Village Pond Quilt Pattern designed by the one and only Sally Ablett absolutely FREE!
Just one of the fabulous kits you can buy at Dandelion Designs
Dandelion Designs
Mandy Shaw is not only a great friend of mine but also a very talented designer. Her online shop sells only best quality felt, fabrics, linens and more plus she has a stunning array of patterns and kits to keep you busy until Christmas! If you love redwork and quirky designs you will adore Mandy's work ..she really is as crazy as she comes across on the TV!
House of Alistair
I couldn't have a list like this without including my mate Alistair. Yes, he's slightly podgy and yes, he wears way too much make up on and off the tv and yes, he's always late but I adore him and I adore what he does! And I am not alone as Liberty customers love him and his buttons and all the lovely little treats he designs. Take a look at his online shop to browse his beautiful things.
David and Charles
David and Charles have been publishing wonderful quilting, sewing and crafting books for over 60 years. To help us all get through this tough time they are giving away four fabulous project downloads for free! This is a great opportunity to try something new and of course you can also be inspired by all their fabulous Quilt Books too.
Subscribe to this brand new stunning magazine for only £3.00.
Love Embroidery Magazine
This is my friend Liz (very big in publishing don't you know) brand new project and it is flying already. The magazine is packed full of creative ideas for modern hand and machine embroidery. There are trend-led projects, easy-to-follow instructions, technical advice, designer profiles and inspiration – plus an exclusive gift – you’ll soon be stitching up a storm! And as a fan for John Scott’s Sewing World you have the opportunity to subscribe for just £3.00. To find out more click here.
Jo Carter
What this woman doesn't know about designing and making THE most exquisite soft animals isn't worth knowing and on top of that I just love her! Follow her on Instagram @Jo2Owls or visit her shop on Folksy. You will also see her on my show on 24th March!
Lucy Brennan
This lady is just an angel on earth and her Saturday Night Craft Along on @charmaboutyou is followed by over 18,000 people! Her website has lots of fabulous inspiration too. And a secret I shouldn't be sharing… Lucy adores my friend Nadine Baggott. Beauty without the BS!
Claire Louise Hardie
This lady is SO inspirational and so talented. Known as the Thrifty Stitcher she was the first and original Sewing Producer & Mastermind for The Great British Sewing Bee and with the new series of the Bee coming up who better to get your inspiration from?
Finally, nothing at all to do with sewing, but I have to mention my personal trainer Martyn Glover. He doesn't realise how much good he does for me, not only getting this tired old heap of a body into shape but he is an inspiration mentally too. He pushes me beyond my limit and even though I hate him at the time I love him for it.
So, there you go you lovely sewing nuts. I hope there is something there that will bring a smile to your face and help you pass the time over the coming weeks. And don’t forget to watch my show on Tuesday at 8.00am! Finally, feel free to share any of your favourite things with me below.